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Sharisa’s Story: A Mother To Quadruplets

Sharisa’s Story: A Mother To Quadruplets

When Sharisa found out she was expecting quadruplets, she was overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. She felt excited yet terrified at the same time. She and her husband went shopping for all the things they’d need to prepare for the arrival of their quadruplets, but nothing could truly prepare them for the experience of having four babies at once.

The most challenging experience of being a mother of quadruplets for Sharisa was the feeling of being unable to give all her love to all of them at once. She knew she had to divide her attention to each of them, and it was difficult. But with the support of her family, Sharisa was able to manage taking care of four babies at once. Her husband took 1-2 months unpaid leave to take care of the ‘night shift’ during her confinement period.

A Mother To Quadruplets

Her mom and sister, as well as her in-laws, all helped with daily chores like feeding time, bath time, and putting the quadruplets to sleep. Sharisa found a way to ensure each of her quadruplets got the attention they needed by maximizing her time with them.

 A Mother To Quadruplets

She found time to bond with each of them during bath time, feeding time, when they cried, laughed, or learned something new. She also took turns with her family in putting them to sleep and when going out.

A Mother To Quadruplets

When one of the quadruplets gets sick, it's almost a certainty that the other three will also get it soon. This means that during these times, Sharisa is in a state of constant readiness and vigilance, ensuring that all four of her children are taken care of and that they get the necessary medical attention.

It's even worse when adults in the family also get sick, as Sharisa has to endure the illness for them too, and make sure the other family members are able to rest and recover. This means even more work for Sharisa, and she has to be prepared for the extra burden. Sharisa's challenges as a mother to quadruplets are immense, and she has to always be prepared for whatever challenges come her way.

She had to make sure that everyone was getting enough rest, that the fever was not too high, and that everyone got the medications they needed. Sharisa was exhausted, but she was determined to get through it. She knew it was just a matter of time before everyone was healthy again.

A Mother To Quadruplets

Sharisa’s advice to other mothers who are expecting multiple births is to be prepared both physically and mentally for the extreme stress and exhaustion that comes with it. She also recommends having a healthy diet and drinking lots of water, as well as getting cervical cerclage at 15 weeks. Having quadruplets has changed Sharisa’s parenting style.

A mother of quadruplet

She and her husband tried to stay organized by recording their feeding times for reference. They also tried to ensure their quadruplets’ stuff was organized as well. Sharisa says the most rewarding experience of being a mother of quadruplets has been having all four of them in her life.

She cherishes the moments when they all call her “Ibu” at the same time, wanting her attention, or when they come purposely to hug her and say “I love you ibu”. To help her balance taking care of the quadruplets and taking care of herself, Sharisa found time for ‘me time’.

She had lunch with friends, went on dates or short vacations with her husband, and just took time away from the kids to re-energize. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and Sharisa’s story of being a mother to quadruplets is no different.

A mother of quadruplet

Despite the struggles and challenges, Sharisa’s experience is a reminder to all parents that with the right support system, anything is possible. And in the end, the joy and love of having multiple children is what makes it all worth it.

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