Experience Store
mothercare started operating in Malaysia in 1987. Today, we have 21 stores nationwide including our Experience Stores located at Tropicana Gardens Mall and Suria KLCC. We have reengineered our in-store experience featuring several key experience zones that provide parents and parents-to-be with comprehensive hands-on exposure that can facilitate them in making better decisions for their bundle of joy.
The Experience Stores include a stroller test track that allows customers to try out different strollers on the platform with different terrains, replicating various strolling simulations.; a baby-wearing zone where customers can use the store’s weighted baby dolls to replicate carrying a real baby, and select baby carriers best suited for their needs. The incorporating of ‘real life’ elements allows new parents to properly test out products prior to purchasing. Apart from that, the inspirational nursery room sets allow parents to envision how the new additions to their nests may look like.
Besides the various experience zones, we provide Sparkle Clean, a baby equipment cleaning service specially conceived to give time back to parents, by allowing our customers to entrust this frustrating yet essential task to the professionals, so that parents can spend time on the more enjoyable aspects of parenting.
The Mothercare Experience Stores also feature Mothercare’s nursery advisors, where our trained and experienced in-store staff will guide shoppers, especially new parents, through the deluge of information on what to buy and how to better prepare for the arrival of their little ones.
New parents can put their mind to ease as our highly experienced nursery advisors will be able to educate new parents on purchasing the relevant products that best suits their lifestyle and needs.
We look forward to better serving the families in our community.
Take a tour of our Experience Store
Mothercare Tropicana Gardens Mall
Mothercare Suria KLCC